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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hunter's minimize their ECO-Footprint

Well, we can't all be eco-warriors but don't say the Hunter's aren't trying to minimize their eco-footprint. Corey's new "natural gas" engine and Ryan's "booger burning" power plant's aren't quite up and running yet and we haven't figured out how to "capture and route" the energy in Kate and Tyler but Dad did try something new this week to help minimize the impact of his gas-guzzling truck. The picture here shows Dad leaving the house at 4:45 for work on his bike. As you can see (or maybe not), it was a tad dark and the temperature tower read 28 but off he went. With his former therapist (physical therapist that is) they rode to work and back. The ride was actually very fun and the whole "exercise" considered a success. Dad was a little tired though Friday night. The only downside -- Dad was a little shaggy at work as he forgot his razor! Oh well -- it was Friday!

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