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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Conference Sunday - Yipee!

Well it started off like any other Conference Sunday - with FOOD!

Nothing makes conference as god as when you are sharing coffee cake with family! Conference was great but so was the weather. So nice in fact that we needed to get outside and enjoy it. So - we set the DVR and headed for the park.

Mom wanted to stay home and "rest" but the begging and pleadings of the kids drug her along. We even had to go out of our way to map some running routes bu we convinced her to go with us and she ended up having fun.

Mom's Favorite part was the lady bugs. It was a pleasant surprise when we discovered the warm weather had brought out the creatures. We caught one of the three snakes we saw (the largest) and although we loved the chance to play with it we discovered heir defensive scheme of shedding a STINKY smell was not so fun! We also found that the lady bugs were hatching.

There were literally hundreds of thousands in clusters all over the forest. It was amazing to watch as the forest came alive.

Other parts were not so fun -- like Corey having potty issues on the trail:

We got up to the bridge and had a great time. We threw rocks and built dams in the creek. Even Mom got involved at the risk of getting her feet wet but it was great fun.

The only downside of the trip was when we found that Corey had slipped back in to some of his old habits. We found that he had become depressed when we found him on the bridge and threatening to jump. We were able to talk him down (this time) but we are going to have to go to work on him again!


Well - Saturday the 4th was the start of yet another soccer season. This year we only have one playing but we made it an entire family event. See how excited they were to go:

Tyler started off the season where he left off last year. 2 minutes in to he game he scored his first of 4 goals. He was a bit rusty though as Tyler dribbled 2 more just outside the two posts.

Probably his best play of the day was missed with the camera. After losing the ball, Tyler sprinted the length of the field and dove just in time to deflect the other teams "sure" goal. It was a great effort and fun to watch.

Kate enjoyed being the cheerleader,

but Corey was more focused on his social calendar,

Mom worked on enjoying the sun and being outside, and

Ryan was, well Ryan!

Last but not least is a small glimpse of our future. Kate insisted on playing soccer (she had to be pulled off the field during the game several times) and showed some skills I'm sure she will be applying soon to the field.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spokane World Championships

The Hunter/Christensen team brought a strong team to the Mt. Spokane world championship.

Although this picture makes it look like a sunny day - nothing could have been farther from the truth. It was a very windy and FREEZING day but nothing was going to change our minds. After Egg McYuckYucks, we picked up Shawen and headed for the hill. It was freezing when we got there but the idea of heading home to try another day was not well received so off we went.

Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Haney - we used our Christmas gift and got some rentals and lessons and began the day. Corey, Shawen and Dad got in one nice run and then we can back to pick up the boys from their lessons.

Ryan was skiing for his second time and all his teacher had to say was that we needed to work on Ryan's turning skills as he had a tendency to turn his skis downhill and say LATER! Thank goodness his teacher had an extra pair of goggles. Ryan had a great day skiing other than a major face plant on his next to last day. Only his pride and dad's goggles were hurt but on we skied!

For Tyler - this was his first time on skis. After watching his brothers go last year, nothing could have kept him from going this year. His first lesson was a great success and he picked skiing up faster than either of his brothers! Tyler's instructor had a different type of advice "GET HIM A HELMET" was all she offered. While you might think that is because he is a new skier or young but I believe it is because nothing scares Tyler. After a couple runs with Dad, Tyler insisted we go do some harder runs. I caved and we did and Tyler did awesome! HE had an amazing day and has not stopped asking "when can we go skiing again!"

Corey is our skiing expert. Due to some good friends generosity - Corey has been skiing a couple time a month and has gotten pretty good. Though - I am not sure whether Corey is up here to ski or pick up on snow bunnies - I've never seen anyone so concerned about how they look. As the picture above shows - Corey has the looks part down! Now we just need to teach him to move off the bunny hill!

It was a great day, cold but great. the sun came out for the last hour so I got to break out the camera and we got in a couple nice runs. I'm afraid this may become a Hunter tradition!

March Madness

Laura never takes any pictures so we just have to work with what I have.

Has anyone ever heard of doing gingerbread houses in March? Well - we had the extra kit so on a rainy day we put it to good use.

Although Katie loves making the house she has decided the 3 year old candy may be a little sale.

Ryan always takes his art seriously and a little help from the neighbors never hurts.

What does this one have to do with the rest? Who knows but I couldn't resist throwing this one in! After all - the kids did need a bath after making the gingerbread house!